Wednesday, June 15, 2005

An Invitation (work in progress)

lie naked with me
on hot summer sand
hear the gulls as they fly
feel the waves beat primal rhythms against the shore

lie naked with me
under a dark nights' sky
while the fireflies flirt
hear the crickets dance, the bullfrogs sing
and with me watch the fires of the universe turn

lie naked with me
on the green, green grass
let ladybugs tickle our toes
let warm winds ruffle our hair
while musky scent wafts from sun warmed skin

lie naked with me
stare blindly at the sky
arms raised resting
let me bathe myself in azure pools
til I drown & come alive again

lie naked with me
where our souls unbend
gently soften my angles
help me be a better self... a better me
til the curves of my self please your touch

lie naked with me
with covers thrown off
where passion has havoc wreaked
lend your soul... give your whole
flesh's pleasures finely tweaked

lie naked with me
as the tides wax & wane
as the sun & the moon chase
one another across our sky
lie with me while our skies darken and mortal eyes grow dim

lie naked with me
on some lazy afternoon
draw circles on my skin
watch the dust motes dance in the sunbeams

forget with me the world without, share the world within

~~ 06/2005


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