Tuesday, August 16, 2005

08/15/2005 -- Hello from Over Here

Years separate us
Miles separate us
A wealth of human experience lies between us
A chasm of ignorance
of knowledge
of having done and doing
A wife
pains, joys,
dreams and dreaming
And yet, when you held me in your arms
I felt the world fade away
That insoucant bubble of something
something odd
something delicious
completely wonderful
something most remarkably individual
I've never felt with anyone else
drew around us, warm invisible cloak
tendrils of soul flare out towards one another
greet, warmly - old familiar friend
like when you place your fingers
warm against the glass of
one of those electricity balls at Spencer's
We can be so very distant
In so many ways
for so very, very long
and yet, I always feel you here
I never feel without you
Many kinds of loves leave me wanting
yearning, hoping... often in vain
waiting to be filled
with something I can't even define
Begging me to give something I may not have to give
But with you I have always felt simply
I miss you
but I yearn for nothing
you're always here
It's that corner of my soul
where you once made yourself comfortable
it holds both memory and promise
stretches beyond this fragile lifetime
speaks of lifetimes stretching before & behind us
I know you're out there
and I know you will return
in some life, if not in this one
and with that I am content
How can I not be?
I trust in your love
In this something I cannot define
This something that is not Lover, but Loved
Not husband, but heart
Not passion, but muse
Not merely friend, but more
perhaps less in many ways, but still more
Not like anything with anyone else
It trancends my experience
Defies my explanations
Threatens nothing and noone
Who know me best, love me truly
You define a part of who I am
A part of who I used to be
A part of who I like to be
You are a pillar of my Creation
A piece of the foundation of my Self
Out there, living wonderfully
I send you....
warm thoughts
much love
Hope, faith, perserverance
all things good, and warm, and safe
appreciation of the present
and anticipation of the future
Of all people in the world
You, I love


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